


これまでもタイトルや趣向を変えながら、シーザーミランの犬のしつけ番組は続いていますが、この「Dog Whisperer:犬の気持ちわかります」シリーズが、もっともシーザーミランらしい内容です。権利関係のトラブルが起こってしまったことが残念でなりません…。

Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan



Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan:Season 1(2004)

  1. Nunu and Kane(チワワ、グレートデン)
  2. Opie and Flirt(ラブラドールMix、チャイニーズ・クレステッド・ドッグ)
  3. Ruby and Rana(ビズラ、シェルティー)
  4. Boomer and Josh(チェサピーク・ベイ・レトリバー、シュナウザー&プードルMix)
  5. Harry and Brooks(ジャーマン・シェパード、スイス・マウンテン・ドッグ)
  6. Sueki and Coach(シーズー、ボクサー)
  7. Slick and Pepper(プーリー、ボーダーコリー&テリアMix)
  8. Gus and Ava(ブービエ・デ・フランダース、パグ&ペキニーズMix)
  9. Churchill and Maya(アメリカン・スタンダード・プードル、ピットブル)
  10. Bubba and Garret(マルチーズ、ジャーマン・シェパード)
  11. Emily(ピットブル)
  12. Hank and Paris(チワワ、マスティフ)
  13. Sasha and Shep(ラサ・アプソ、ジャーマン・シェパード)
  14. Jake and King(シェパード&ラブMix、ロットワイラー)
  15. Scrawny and Lola(ヨークシャー・テリア、ダルメシアン)
  16. J and Alice(ビーグル、ジャック・ラッセル・テリア)
  17. Caper and Julius(ミニチュア・ピンシャー、ピットブル)
  18. Bella and Jordan(ボーダーコリー、ブルドッグ)
  19. Sunshine and Teddy(ラブラドール、ドーベルマン)
  20. Goldie and Pepsi(ジャーマン・シェパード、ブリタニー・スパニエル)
  21. Nicky(ロットワイラー)
  22. Percy and Justice(ウエスト・ハイランド・テリア、アメリカン・ピットブル)
  23. Buddy and Stewart(チャウチャウ&レトリーバーMix、ビーグル&アメリカン・クーンハウンドMix)
  24. Lucy and Lizzie(ダルメシアン、ビーグル)
  25. Sophie and Daisy(ラブラドール、ゴールデン・レトリバー&シェルティMix)
  26. Boyfriend and Alfie(ハーディングMix、イングリッシュ・ブルドッグ)
Ep. 1: Nunu and Kane


Ep. 2: Opie and Flirt

シーザーは攻撃的なラブ・ミックスと超ハイパーな チャイニーズ・クレステッドに対処する。

Ep. 3: Ruby and Rana


Ep. 4: Boomer and Josh


Ep. 5: Harry and Brooks


Ep. 6: Sueki and Coach


Ep. 7: Slick and Pepper


Ep. 8: Gus and Ava


Ep. 9: Churchill and Maya


Ep. 10: Bubba and Garret


Ep. 11: Emily


Ep. 12: Hank and Paris


Ep. 13: Sasha and Shep


Ep. 14: Jake and King


Ep. 15: Scrawny and Lola


Ep. 16: J and Alice


Ep. 17: Caper and Julius


Ep. 18: Bella and Jordan


Ep. 19: Sunshine and Teddy


Ep. 20: Goldie and Pepsi


Ep. 21: Nicky


Ep. 22: Percy and Justice


Ep. 23: Buddy and Stewart


Ep. 24: Lucy and Lizzie


Ep. 25: Sophie and Daisy


Ep. 26: Boyfriend and Alfie


Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan:Season 2(2006)

  1. Brady, Bandit, and Hootie
  2. Sonny, Chocolate & Cinnamon, and Boo
  3. Buddy, Teddy, and Matilda
  4. JonBee, Violet & Hudson, and Buford
  5. Isis, Tina, Nugget and Katrina Dogs
  6. Buddy, Tiger & Roxy, and Booker
  7. Duke & Lulu and Sparky
  8. Chip, Lucy, Hank & Betty, and Leo
  9. Spike, Jake & Nugget, and Wendell
  10. Pasha, Cosmo, and Contessa
  11. Princess, Prada, and Bearz
  12. Katrina Dogs Part 2, Major Jones, and Josie
  13. Eppie, Lady, and Snoopy
  14. Pups on Parole and Eton & Dolly
  15. Vicky & Taz, Punkin, and Maddy
  16. Dax, Pete, Nixa, and Sugar and Snowflake
  17. Bikini, Fella, and Winston & Oliver
  18. Power of the Pack
  19. Greta & Hoss, Storm, and Chula
  20. Cesar’s Toughest Cases
Ep.1: Brady, Bandit, and Hootie


Ep.2: Sonny, Chocolate & Cinnamon, and Boo


Ep.3: Buddy, Teddy, and Matilda



Ep.4: JonBee, Violet & Hudson, and Buford

ラブラドールとスタッフォードシャー・テリアのミックス犬は小動物に攻撃的である。 トイプードルはぐるぐると回るのを止められない。アメリカン・ブルドッグはスケートボードの車輪に執着して攻撃する。

Ep.5: Isis, Tina, Nugget and Katrina Dogs


Ep.6: Buddy, Tiger & Roxy, and Booker


Ep.7: Duke & Lulu and Sparky


Ep.8: Chip, Lucy, Hank & Betty, and Leo


Ep.9: Spike, Jake & Nugget, and Wendell





Ep.10: Pasha, Cosmo, and Contessa




Ep.11: Princess, Prada, and Bearz



Ep.12: Katrina Dogs Part 2, Major Jones, and Josie


Ep.13: Eppie, Lady, and Snoopy


Ep.14: Pups on Parole and Eton & Dolly

シーザーは、受刑者が保護犬を訓練することで社会復帰を支援する「Pups on Parole」というプログラムに参加し、受刑者たちに犬のトレーニング方法を指導し、彼らの絆を深めるためのサポートをする。ブルドッグたちは他の犬や人に対して攻撃的な行動をとらないことを学ぶ。

Ep.15: Vicky & Taz, Punkin, and Maddy


Ep.16: Dax, Pete, Nixa, and Sugar and Snowflake

No data

Ep.17: Bikini, Fella, and Winston & Oliver


Ep.18: Power of the Pack


Ep.19: Greta & Hoss, Storm, and Chula


Ep.20: Cesar’s Toughest Cases


Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan:Season 3(2006)

  1. Kobe, Banjo, and Kisses(オーストラリアン・シェパード、クーンハウンド、マルチーズ)
  2. Buster, Holli, and Spike & Belle
  3. Molly, Jane, and Genoa
  4. Wilshire and Butch
  5. Maya, Sara, and Lilly
  6. Sophie & Riley, Aussi, and Sasha, Bebe, & Lulu
  7. Bella & Big Boy and Gracie
  8. Fondue, Chip, Hope, & JoyJoy, and Elmer
  9. Woody & Wally and Kane
  10. Skyler, Cassie, and Tori
  11. Dexter and Nasir
  12. Calvin, Rudy, and Milo
  13. Joe, Penny and Promise
  14. Titan, Candy and Bella
  15. Dasher, Riley and Fosse
  16. Hope, Maureen, Chloe and Sam
  17. Bodhi, Maggie & Molly, and Bojo
  18. Amber, Snoopy, and Schroeder
Ep.1: Kobe, Banjo, and Kisses


Ep.2: Buster, Holli, and Spike & Belle

シーザーはスパイクのうつ病を新しい友人と治す。8歳のブルーヒーラーとオーストラリアン・シェパードのミックス犬であるバスターは、家族の番犬としての役割を果たすはずだったが、その仕事をやりすぎてしまい飼い主が困っていた。骨折により皮膚移植が必要となった活発なアメリカン・スタッフォードシャー・テリアシーザーに対して、シーザーは”バイカー・ドッグ “という別のリハビリのアイデアを実施した。

Ep.3: Molly, Jane, and Genoa


Ep.4: Wilshire and Butch



Ep.5: Maya, Sara, and Lilly



Ep.6: Sophie & Riley, Aussi, and Sasha, Bebe, & Lulu



Ep.7: Bella & Big Boy and Gracie



Ep.8: Fondue, Chip, Hope, & JoyJoy, and Elmer





Ep.9: Woody & Wally and Kane



Ep.10: Skyler, Cassie, and Tori


Ep.11: Dexter and Nasir


Ep.12: Calvin, Rudy, and Milo


Ep.13: Joe, Penny and Promise




Ep.14: Titan, Candy and Bella


Ep.15: Dasher, Riley and Fosse

Add a plot

Ep.16: Hope, Maureen, Chloe and Sam



Ep.17: Bodhi, Maggie & Molly, and Bojo




Ep.18: Amber, Snoopy, and Schroeder


Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan:Season 4(2007)

  1. Chuy, Jack & Carmine
  2. Cotton, Ricky & Jordan, and Duke & Lila
  3. Kiko, Tootsie & Ginger, and Binkey
  4. Luna and K-9 Sniffers
  5. Reggie, Diva, Rocco & Vito, and Mugsy
  6. Willie, Make-A-Wish, and Zena
  7. Hudson & Orchid, and LA Animal Control
  8. Gus, Abbey, and Vinnie
  9. Tara, Molly & Mandy, Olive, and Dexter
  10. ATF K-9 Gavin
  11. Troy and Roxie
  12. Gizmo and Indigo, Diego, Valley & Whiskey
  13. Cody, Chloe and Buffy
  14. Curly and Baxter
  15. Owen, Jerry, and Rocky
  16. Marley and Piper
  17. Lives Changed
  18. Shadow, Jake & Riley and Norton
  19. Sasha and Angler
  20. Buster, Sadie and Lacey
  21. Rufus and Buddy
  22. Chipper and Rudy & Monte
  23. Peanut and Sunshine, Roxy & Angus
  24. Mateo and Ali
  25. Jake and Kona
  26. Fear of Dogs
  27. My Life on the Dog List
  28. Canine 9-1-1: Part One
  29. Caesar & Squatty, and Hula
  30. Dueling Pit Bulls
  31. Canine 9-1-1: Part Two – Beau and Q-Tip
  32. 100th Episode Celebration
  33. Lotus and Joey
  34. Bozley & Ginger
  35. Harley & Amalie, and Bam Bam
  36. Argonaut and Patches
  37. Sooner & Trace, and Casanova
Ep.1: Chuy, Jack & Carmine




Ep.2: Cotton, Ricky & Jordan, and Duke & Lila


Ep.3: Kiko, Tootsie & Ginger, and Binkey

Add a plot

Ep.4: Luna and K-9 Sniffers


Ep.5: Reggie, Diva, Rocco & Vito, and Mugsy


Ep.6: Willie, Make-A-Wish, and Zena




Ep.7: Hudson & Orchid, and LA Animal Control



Ep.8: Gus, Abbey, and Vinnie




Ep.9: Tara, Molly & Mandy, Olive, and Dexter




Ep.10: ATF K-9 Gavin


Ep.11: Troy and Roxie



Ep.12: Gizmo and Indigo, Diego, Valley & Whiskey

Cesar works with Jennifer Lee Pryor, wife of late comedian Richard Pryor to restore peace between her four dogs and the foster dogs she hosts. Can Cesar help Jennifer become a pack leader? A 6-year-old beagle has a severe aggression problem.

Ep.13: Cody, Chloe and Buffy

A Yorkshire terrier who recently lost his vision has become aggressive. A Pekingese/miniature poodle who is indulged by her owner growls, snaps and bites to get her way. A Rottweiler living on a horse ranch has a dangerous obsession with the horses.

Ep.14: Curly and Baxter

After a rescued Lab-greyhound mix got into a dogfight, his aggression escalated. A rescued Rhodesian ridgeback/boxer mix has severe aggression and has been banned from the local “doggie hikes,” for fear of hurting another dog. Can Cesar help?

Ep.15: Owen, Jerry, and Rocky

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Ep.16: Marley and Piper

Cesar travels to Minnesota to work with Piper, a wire fox terrier that has an extreme fixation on a riding lawn mower. A rescued Shiba Inu named Marley displays severe food aggression in L.A.

Ep.17: Lives Changed

In his four seasons as the Dog Whisperer, Cesar has found that the dog’s issues often reflect larger issues in the owner’s life. Cesar revisits some of his toughest cases to see how being on the show changed the dogs and the lives of the owners.

Ep.18: Shadow, Jake & Riley and Norton

A family needs Cesar’s help with their dog Shadow who exhibits aggressive tendencies and must wear a muzzle when walked. Cesar steps in to aid a professional dog walker and pet sitter, who’s four-legged clients can test her best instincts.

Ep.19: Sasha and Angler

Cesar attempts to curb the anti-social behavior of a German shepherd mix who tries to attack other dogs. A chocolate lab, growls and attacks anyone or anything near him when eating his food, including his own tail.

Ep.20: Buster, Sadie and Lacey

Cesar tries to help a bulldog whose owners can’t bathe her, administer eye drops or clean her face without fear of attack. A beagle/terrier mix has an intense fear of trash cans. And, a Lab mix is afraid of the outdoors.

Ep.21: Rufus and Buddy

Cesar helps the new owners of an abused pit bull who lunges and bites when meeting new people. And Cesar works with a young foster dog, a Rottweiler shar-pei mix, who often frightens away any potential adopters with his aggressive behavior.

Ep.22: Chipper and Rudy & Monte

A ridgeback/boxer mix has a hyper attitude that has developed into a severe aggression problem. Cesar helps the owners of the pet boutique “OffLeash,” with their two aggressive whippets, Rudy and Monte, who bark and lunge at dog visitors.

Ep.23: Peanut and Sunshine, Roxy & Angus

A pet groomer gets rave reviews but needs Cesar’s help with handling some difficult clients. Chihuahua Peanut is only 10 pounds but makes a good bit of noise, causing chaos with her cohabiters. Can Cesar install calm in the nutty pack?

Ep.24: Mateo and Ali

Brian and Patricia’s border collie is overly protective of Patricia, nipping at anyone who comes near her. Officer James Espinoza rescued a German shepherd, Ali, named for famed boxer Muhammad Ali. Like his namesake, Ali is always ready for a fight.

Ep.25: Jake and Kona

Dana’s Australian shepherd/pit bull mix has a severe aggression problem toward everyone but Dana’s husband. Can Cesar help? Lisa and Keith’s boxer is an expert escape artist, able to jump their 6ft. Backyard fence.

Ep.26: Fear of Dogs

Ernesto’s children have been hounding him to get a dog, but he is terrified of canines. His cynophobia began when he woke in a hospital, getting rabies shots after tormenting a neighbor’s dog. Can Cesar help him overcome his phobic terror?

Ep.27: My Life on the Dog List

The owners of Scrout need help to regain control of their family home; Animal communicator Susan calls for back-up with Jody, her Pinscher; and comedienne Kathy Griffin enlists Cesar’s help for her 2 temperamental rescue dogs.

Ep.28: Canine 9-1-1: Part One

Over 2,000 people gathered at Petco in hopes of a session with Cesar. This episode follows two of these troubled canines, one of which was a day away from being euthanized. Things get serious when Cesar’s son joins in to help.

Ep.29: Caesar & Squatty, and Hula

After the death of Noelle’s husband, she didn’t walk her two dogs for months. They developed some issues as a result. Can Cesar help bring harmony back into Noelle’s life? Jeanne and David need Cesar’s help with their angry dog.

Ep.30: Dueling Pit Bulls

Cesar has rehabilitated countless problem canines, but when he takes on two pit bulls that are at each other’s throats, the result is a transformation that’s nothing short of remarkable.

Ep.31: Canine 9-1-1: Part Two – Beau and Q-Tip

In Orange County, more than 2,000 people and their troubled dogs descended on a local PETCO to meet producers in the hopes of a session with Cesar Millan. Meet two of the problem pooches. Can Cesar dial down the bad behavior of these terrors?

Ep.32: 100th Episode Celebration

In four seasons, Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan has grown into a cultural phenomenon. Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan celebrates its 100th episode with a grand reunion of many of the past guests — and their dogs — all in one place at one time.

Ep.33: Lotus and Joey

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Ep.34: Bozley & Ginger

Nidia and Sean’s French bulldog Bozley is anxious around other dogs and has nipped at people. Regina and Steve’s vizsla, Ginger, is afraid of cars. Can Cesar help Bozley improve his social skills and steer Ginger’s behavior toward the fast lane?

Ep.35: Harley & Amalie, and Bam Bam

A Chihuahua mix terrorizes eight year old mastiff Harley and dominates the rest of the house. Cesar is called in to restore the balance of power and mend this odd couple’s relationship. Cesar is called in to help a pit bull outgrow his puppy ways.

Ep.36: Argonaut and Patches

Bliss and Jason are afraid of being bit by their aggressive English bulldog/Lab mix, Argy. Cesar prescribes Argy some pack therapy. A cocker spaniel, Patches, has a life-threatening appetite for paper products.

Ep.37: Sooner & Trace, and Casanova

Cesar comes to help a Labrador mix with dog aggression and a Jack Russell terrier and a Queensland heeler whose formerly cordial relationship has become hostile.

Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan:Season 5(2008)

  1. Cesar Goes to Vegas
  2. Cricket and Hemingway & Rigby
  3. Tobi & Riley
  4. Bacchus and Jody
  5. Stanley, Shoven and Leo
  6. Hyde & Vada and Nacho
  7. Sadie and Calder
  8. Chihuahuas from Hell
  9. Charlotte, Elvis and Jack
  10. Cesar and the Horse Whisperer
  11. A Member of the Family
  12. Boo and Brittany Dawg
  13. Bella
  14. Buster, Jack & Marley and Sparky
  15. Inside Puppy Mills
  16. Baby Girl
  17. Bella, Rocky and Madison & Catalina
  18. Run Home Roscoe!
  19. Harley, Annabelle and Memphis
  20. Mad Dogs
  21. Miles and Maxie & Border
  22. Maxwell, Brooklyn and Tipper
  23. Optimus & Gigi and Sissy
Ep.1: Cesar Goes to Vegas

Cesar heads to Las Vegas to help four Cirque du Soleil performers with their problem pooches. Can Cesar help a Maltese with his leash “stage” fright and a Nova Scotia duck tolling retriever with her fear of water?

Ep.2: Cricket and Hemingway & Rigby

Cesar helps pop star and expectant new mother Ashlee Simpson-Wentz and her husband, bassist/lyricist Pete Wentz with their beloved, but aggressive English bulldog, Hemingway. Cesar works with a retriever who attacks anything between him and his food.

Ep.3: Tobi & Riley

Cesar works with a sheepdog-collie mix who aggressively chases his owners in their house and attacks and bite guests. Then Cesar helps cure a St. Bernard afraid of the stairs in what he thinks will be an easy case but soon turns out to be otherwise.

Ep.4: Bacchus and Jody

From tissues to money, Lhasa apso Jody will eat just about everything in sight. Bacchus, a 130 pound Great Dane doesn’t get along with other dogs. Can Cesar teach this dog to stop being a bully?

Ep.5: Stanley, Shoven and Leo

Cesar helps a Chihuahua mix, Stanley, who became aggressive after moving to Los Angeles. Pomeranian, Shoven, suffers from severe separation anxiety. An Aussie/shar pei mix, Leo, has developed an extreme fear of the sound of coughing.

Ep.6: Hyde & Vada and Nacho

Holly and Robert’s two wolf hybrids have aggression issues. Cesar must help them get used to domestic bliss, but do Holly and Robert have what it takes? Chihuahua, Nacho, is aggressive and once bit a boy. Can Cesar take the bite out of spicy Nacho?

Ep.7: Sadie and Calder

Erin’s basset hound Sadie is afraid of her husband Allen. Cesar helps to remove the bone of contention between the couple and help Sadie warm up to Allen. Cesar is called to help a Blue heeler mix, who growls, whines and barks all night.

Ep.8: Chihuahuas from Hell

Cesar revisits the demonic demeanors of one of Dog Whisperer’s most challenging breeds. With updates on past stories and the redeeming journey of El Diablo, Cesar shows how even a Chihuahua from Hell can be heaven sent.

Ep.9: Charlotte, Elvis and Jack

Soap opera star Eileen Davidson needs Cesar to help with her roughhousing Wheaten terrier. A Jack Russell terrier has appliance aggression. A black lab has a great nose, but to enroll in the K-9 Program, he must get over his fear of shiny floors.

Ep.10: Cesar and the Horse Whisperer

At a riding center, the dogs chase after the working horses, and the old mare is frightening the riders. Dog Whisperer Cesar Millan and Horse Whisperer Pat Parelli join forces to insure that everything is OK at this corral.

Ep.11: A Member of the Family

Old and new cases help show the process for adopting a dog, introducing one into the home, setting rules and boundaries and dealing with the loss of a beloved pet.

Ep.12: Boo and Brittany Dawg

A Pit bull can open an ice chest, get a drink out and deliver it. She can play dead, high-five, crawl and bow, but she is aggressive toward people and dogs. A dachshund exhibits aggression at feeding time and when it comes time to trim his nails.

Ep.13: Bella

Cesar contends with one of his toughest cases, a “red-zone” aggressive American bulldog. When Nate first brought Bella home, he was living the party life. After cleaning up his act, Nate calls on Cesar to give Bella a healthy dose of rehab.
Ep.14: Buster, Jack & Marley and Sparky
Professional dog groomer Lauren reaches out to Cesar for help with three of her most difficult cases — a hyperactive Great Dane; a boxer mix who devours her hair dryers; and a fearful Aussie mix.

Ep.15: Inside Puppy Mills

Cesar works to rescue and rehabilitate puppy mill dogs with Last Chance for Animals. With hidden cameras, LCA spot checks kennels, rescues dogs considered worthless by breeders and learns from Cesar as he helps them rehabilitate the traumatized pups.

Ep.16: Baby Girl

When Suzie brought adopted Doberman, Baby Girl home, she wouldn’t eat, crawled everywhere, shook at the slightest creak of the house and was terrified of open cupboards. Suzie needs Cesar’s expertise to help her dodging Doberman.

Ep.17: Bella, Rocky and Madison & Catalina

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Ep.18: Run Home Roscoe!

Roscoe, an Akita, is extremely fearful of the outside. Once a leash is on, Roscoe freezes then pulls back and frantically tries to free himself. Because of this, Roscoe has never gone for a walk. Can Cesar teach Roscoe to walk the Cesar Way?

Ep.19: Harley, Annabelle and Memphis

A Weimaraner eats everything in sight. An uncontrollable Yellow lab, Harley, loves to hump and dig up the lawn. Annabelle, an Australian Shepard causes other dogs to shriek and whine. Can Cesar make Annabelle socially acceptable?

Ep.20: Mad Dogs

Cesar visits “dog friendly” ad agency TBWA/CHIAT/DAY. A terrier-shepherd mix is unfriendly to strangers, a miniature pinscher-chihuahua mix lashes out at the others and a banished Rottweiler mix is looking for a chance to rejoin her owner at work.

Ep.21: Miles and Maxie & Border

Former Guns N’ Roses and current Velvet Revolver drummer Matt Sorum and his girlfriend live with their tenacious French bulldog Miles. Miles goes crazy at the sight of another dog, and the couple is worried they haven’t properly socialized him.

Ep.22: Maxwell, Brooklyn and Tipper

Sabrina has to ask her Welsh Sealyham terrier, Maxwell, for permission to sit on the couch, and he won’t let her sing and dance in their home. Can Cesar help reinstate Sabrina to her rightful place as pack leader? A Tibetan terrier refuses to walk.

Ep.23: Optimus & Gigi and Sissy

One of John and Maria’s two Great Danes, Optimus has bitten John, a neighbor and a family friend. Can Cesar transform Optimus? Cesar meets Sissy, a shepherd mix who was one of 57 dogs confiscated from a hoarding situation.

Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan:Season 6(2009)

  1. How to Raise the Perfect Dog
  2. Cujo and Molly
  3. Pekaso and Yogi & Smokey
  4. Hardy: Attacked with Love
  5. Seven, Sara, and Madeliene
  6. Bear & Angel and Lorelei
  7. Cesar Goes Down Under: Part 1
  8. Cesar Goes Down Under: Part 2
  9. Peanut & Chico, Leroy Brown, and Tucker
  10. Most Aggressive Breeds
  11. A Dog and His Boy/Mobile Vet
  12. Desperate Housedogs
  13. Tigger and Dan
  14. Cobar and Chase
  15. Tillie and Leo
Ep.1: How to Raise the Perfect Dog

Cesar has seen every canine case imaginable red-zone aggression, fearful anxiety and just plain weird. Now, for the first time, Cesar reveals how you can avoid these problems from the start!

Ep.2: Cujo and Molly

Mary Jane rescued lab-mastiff mix, Cujo, from a bad home. But her chronic pain and stress may have rubbed off, and turned Cujo into an aggressive dog like his infamous movie namesake. Will therapy help both Mary Jane and Cujo?

Ep.3: Pekaso and Yogi & Smokey

As an artist, Daniel relies on inspiration, but he can’t inspire his Pekingese, Pekaso, to eat or drink. Daniel’s friend Brendi has problems with her Chihuahua Valentino, who bites. Can Cesar inspire these two to become true pack leaders?

Ep.4: Hardy: Attacked with Love

Shelly’s French bulldog Hardy used to be a draw at her hair salon. But Hardy suddenly went from being a friendly dog to snapping at strangers and even biting a few clients. Can Cesar solve the mystery and shave off some of Hardy’s hairy demeanor?

Ep.5: Seven, Sara, and Madeliene

Life coach and fitness trainer Jillian Michaels whips clients into shape, but when it comes to her greyhound mix Seven, she is at a loss. When Jillian rides her horse, Seven tries to nip him and she is afraid Seven will get hurt.

Ep.6: Bear & Angel and Lorelei

In the case of two fighting German shepherds, Cesar tries to turn a day care dilemma into a day care dream. Grandparents face a choice between their grandchildren and their miniature schnauzer Lorelei. Can Cesar unite this divided pack?

Ep.7: Cesar Goes Down Under: Part 1

Fitness coach Paul Watson can’t stop his great Dane, Willow, from biting at him. Cesar travels down under to tame Willow’s wild side. Andrea and Adrian avoid taking their Bearded Collie to the dog park because her aggression is so unpredictable.

Ep.8: Cesar Goes Down Under: Part 2

When Morgan and Amanda moved to Australia, their Weimaraner Sydney developed aggression toward the mail carriers, the “posties”. The couple fears Sydney will injure someone. Can Cesar stamp out Sydney’s postie phobia?

Ep.9: Peanut & Chico, Leroy Brown, and Tucker

Kelly and Rob’s border collie Tucker is so obsessed with moving water that it almost killed him. Tucker suffered from water intoxication while playing in a river, and slipped into a coma. Can Cesar help curb Tucker’s unhealthy fascination with water?

Ep.10: Most Aggressive Breeds

While any size dog can become aggressive, several breeds seem to have the worst reputations. Some have even been banned in certain areas of the US. Cesar takes an eye-opening look at the breeds Americans think of as our most aggressive canines.

Ep.11: A Dog and His Boy/Mobile Vet

In third grade Josh got his dream dog, a Siberian husky named Spike. But sweet-tempered Spike became increasingly hyperactive, jumping and nipping incessantly. Can Cesar help Josh get back the dog he loves? Veterinarian Dr. Rick needs Cesar’s help.

Ep.12: Desperate Housedogs

A once peaceful cul-de-sac is full of tension. Susanne’s German shepherd bullies other dogs. Nancy and John’s huskies are impossible to control on walks. Eleanore’s spaniel/mastiff mix snaps at other dogs. Can Cesar curb the Desperate Housedog drama?

Ep.13: Tigger and Dan

Cesar comes in to help twins with their Chihuahua-Pomeranian mix that bites. A Labrador retriever quickly takes to training to become a hunting dog but has a growing aggressive streak.

Ep.14: Cobar and Chase

Cesar takes a trip to Australia to help Susan, who runs a dog toy company, quiet her Koolie, Cobar’s fear of squeaky toys. Cesar steps through the looking glass to help a Shar-pei mix who lunges at his own reflection in mirrors.

Ep.15: Tillie and Leo

A rehabilitated wheaten terrier mix named Tillie, grows overly attached to art collector Joel. When Jacqueline and Manny’s Shar-pei, Leo, killed a neighbor’s Maltese, the couple was forced to choose between giving up their condo or giving up Leo.

Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan:Season 7(2010)

  1. Ep.1: Howie Mandel’s Lola and Bebe & Sadie
  2. Ep.2: Chloe, Madison, and Gotti
  3. Ep.3: Ellie & J.J. and Oscar
  4. Ep.4: Wolf-Dogs: Out of the Wild
  5. Ep.5: Oscar and Luna & Ginger
  6. Ep.6: Astronaut Dogs & Mongo
  7. Ep.7: Neco & Yona and Justice
  8. Ep.8: Snickers and Maury
  9. Ep.9: India, Jagger, and Axl
  10. Ep.10: Stella & Nala and Phoebe
  11. Ep.11: Viper and Diesel
  12. Ep.12: Diego and Berkeley
  13. Ep.13: Mufasa and Tucker
  14. Ep.14: Seven, Macy, and Lex
  15. Ep.15: Delta and Dong-Dong

Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan:Season 8(2012)

  1. Ep.1: Why Dogs Fight
  2. Ep.2: Bull-Whipped
  3. Ep.3: Mascot Mayhem
  4. Ep.4: Army Brats
  5. Ep.5: Homeboys and Hounds
  6. Ep.6: Hounded by Fear
  7. Ep.7: Home-Wrecking Hounds
  8. Ep.8: High Anxiety
  9. Ep.9: Pack Leaders in Training
  10. Ep.10: Hounds from Hell
Ep.1: Why Dogs Fight

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Ep.2: Bull-Whipped

Cesar helps two aggressive french bull dogs named Hugo and Crusty.

Ep.3: Mascot Mayhem

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Ep.4: Army Brats

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Ep.5: Homeboys and Hounds

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Ep.6: Hounded by Fear

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Ep.7: Home-Wrecking Hounds

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Ep.8: High Anxiety

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Ep.9: Pack Leaders in Training

Evie Ryland, an artist who has been around more cats than dogs in her life, got her first experience as a dog owner when she fell in love with four month-old Fuzzy Monster Truck after she was asked to watch him for a short time. His small size allowed her to take him with her everywhere and she discovered that he loved learning new tricks and responded well to hand signals, even learning to become a migraine alert dog. She began to notice that Monster Truck was wary of strangers which caused a lot of tension and difficult situations because he’s an adorable dog that everyone wants to become friends with. The feeling wasn’t mutual, and the more people hounded him, the more he pushed back. Before the frustrating situation could get out of control, Evie called Cesar for help who brought with him two lucky young Dog Whisperer fans, Jessica Hernandez from Vancouver, British Columbia and Rachel Heidtman from Franklin Ohio who were in training with Cesar Millan to become “Future Pack Leaders.”

Ep.10: Hounds from Hell

Rescue dog owners need help from hell hounds, starting with Terrier cross, Sammy, who cries around skateboarders and large dogs. Sahzi, a Belgian Tervuren, won’t enter the kitchen or certain hallways and Leis Rachal with her daughter need help choosing the right dog to adopt.

Dog Whisperer with Cesar Millan:Season 9(2012)

  1. Ep.1: Horrible Hounds of the UK
  2. Ep.2: London Calling
  3. Ep.3: Cesar Conquers London
  4. Ep.4: Battle of Britain
  5. Ep.5: Jersey Shore Dogs
  6. Ep.6: Anger Management
  7. Ep.7: Playboy Playmates
  8. Ep.8: Bad Dogs of Comedy
  9. Ep.9: Fear Factor
  10. Ep.10: Daytona Dogs
  11. Ep.11: Hollywood Hounds
  12. Ep.12: Cesar’s Worst Bite
Ep.1: Horrible Hounds of the UK

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Ep.2: London Calling

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Ep.3: Cesar Conquers London

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Ep.4: Battle of Britain

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Ep.5: Jersey Shore Dogs

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Ep.6: Anger Management

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Ep.7: Playboy Playmates

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Ep.8: Bad Dogs of Comedy

A pet groomer gets rave reviews but needs Cesar’s help with handling some difficult clients. Chihuahua Peanut is only 10 pounds but makes a good bit of noise, causing chaos with her cohabiters. Can Cesar install calm in the nutty pack?

Ep.9: Fear Factor

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Ep.10: Daytona Dogs

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Ep.11: Hollywood Hounds

Cesar helps exercise guru Jillian Michaels and TV star Kelsey Grammer train their troublesome pets.

Ep.12: Cesar’s Worst Bite

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Shizuka “Suzy” Ishida

Shizuka “Suzy” Ishida

